Home Security Cams Like My Nest Doorbell Are Getting Smarter With AI video     – CNET

Home Security Cams Like My Nest Doorbell Are Getting Smarter With AI video – CNET

Home Security Cams Like My Nest Doorbell Are Getting Smarter With AI

Security Cameras

Speaker 1: When you think about AI right now, you probably think about chat, GPT or gemina, but some of the oldest and most useful AI technology is working right here in our smart doorbells and home cameras. Check this out. My nest doorbell knew I was a human when I was walking up here, and if I checked my phone, I’ve got a notification about it. The disc gets even better if I’m carrying a package. The Nest Learning algorithm can recognize the signs of a package, like a label, a brown color, or a box shape, [00:00:30] even a plastic bag from DoorDash. Plus, if a person shows up and a package suddenly disappears, it’ll let me know in case I have a porch fire. This type of AI detection, it works in the backyard too. This camera will ignore animals like my pets and only send me alerts or recordings if no one is home and it notices a person that’s ai that’s saving me time and stress without getting in my way. Check out Cena’s AI Atlas to learn a whole lot more.


Tyler Lacoma

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